After Macworld 2009

January 17, 2009

How are you doing?  Time passes so fast and we’ve returned to Tokyo already. 

It was our first experience as an exhibitor to join Macworld 2009. So exciting and so interesting for us.

Many people visited our booth (#4311 in North Hall), and showed their interests in our products. ZeptoPad which gives “white board in your pocket”, ZeptoLiner, a real outliner application,  and iShodo, Japanese Calligraphy application.   The whole concept of these apps is to make “alternative paper”.

Also, at our booth, Japanese developers of iPhone Apps gave presentations of their products: Samurai Chess, iKoto & iGeisha, Mascot Capsule, Realtime 3D animation library, FingerPiano, PokeDía, Teru-teru Weather changer, Mahjong Solitaire.  Furthermore, Mr Nobi explained the situation of iPhone in Japan.

Visiting other booths was also exciting. Some exhibitor distributed rabbit ears (and I got it!), some made De Lorean and some perform sewing iPhone case. They were so funny and attractive, and gave some hints us how to appeal to visitors.

The best thing to join Macworld was that many people gave “wow” to us.

To tell the truth, iShodo and BullCam were made outside of Japan. iShodo was programmed on the way to Los Angeles from Tokyo. BullCam was polished on the way to San Francisco, in the desert of America.  We drove Las Vegas, Death Valley, Yosemite, and San Francisco. During the long drive, Ryo planed, Makoto wrote the codes, and Reiko and I told our impression of the products. We call the cycle as PCW(Plan, Code and Wow) cycle. An idea is provided by Plan, and Code realizes it, and Wow stimulates and encourages the Plan to make the thing better. In our car, the cycle worked well and the applications were born.
PCW in desert

At our booth, not only I, but also many viditors gave us “Wow.” We could hear such impression of people directly. That really encourages us to make things better and to keep developing something good continually.  We are really really grateful to everyone for visiting and giving us such “Wow.”
Mr K

Thanks a lot again,

many hags from the East country. 



P.S. I’m not good at coding, but if I could support Plan and Code, I’m glad.